星期二, 8月 09, 2005

''The Annoying Thing'' comes back

Remember The Annoying Thing animation from Erik Wernquist? You know, that character making the sound of a motorcycle engine ignition. Well, as you might have heard, they turned it into a music video, "Axel F (Crazy Frog)". And the thing has been rocking the media lately.Axel F (Crazy Frog)Direct Link: Music Video - 8MBHere is a recap of things that happened. In 2003, Erik Wernquist created a short 3D animation based on a sound effect better known as "2TAKTARE.MP3", which was created by Daniel Malmedahl. A year later, a company called Jamba! licensed the animation and sound, and used the character to market the sound as a mobile phone ringtone under the name "The Crazy Frog". They earned some $20+ million from it. Later on, a German dance duo named Bass Bumpers made a dance single starring the Crazy Frog. It was released in May 23rd, 2005 into smashing success. Accompanying it was a music video created by the original animator at KaktusFilm.The original The Annoying Thing is available along many other shorts and animations on 3DTotal's 2004 Shorts Drawer DVD.Additional Links:BBCNews : ''The Crazy Frog sound? That's my fault.''Advertising Standards Authority : ''A Frog's Tale that spawned viewer outrage.''FemaleFirst : ''Why Is The Crazy Frog A Phenomenon''Newtek Europe : Interview with Erik Wernquist



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